Global Studies Course Reflection     Discovering own identities, culture, and biases Most important?  Something I never thought of before taking this course is trying to explore and understand my own identity and biases. We never tend to focus on critiquing ourselves to develop how we think. Being able to identify and understand owns our identities, culture, and... Continue Reading →

DS106 Assignment

While going through DS106 Assignment Bank, many assignment got my attention, from videos, designs, audio to visuals. There are two visual assignments I particularly liked, and since this website offers freedom of choice in your creative assignments; I wanted to simply combine two simple ones that I thought suit each other very well. The first... Continue Reading →

Freedom Of Speech

Freedom of Speech: The Difference Between the US and Egypt Freedom of speech is an important factor that helps any community and society grow. It is a right that any individual should have, either it's through speech or art. With the rise of the internet and social media, many individuals became aware of this right,... Continue Reading →

My Soliya Experience

Soliya has been a very interesting program to be a part of. It pushed me to get out of my comfort zone and interact and talk to many people that I never met before, talking about very interesting and important topics. From the second week, we were able to discuss a topic that was very... Continue Reading →

Soliya wk 4

Continuing on the previous blog post, my experience during the fourth week of Soliya was one of the best times. at first, we were able to continue to discuss our topics with different students.  We were able to discuss a topic we chose the previous session about Poverties and minorities vs the wealthy. Because we... Continue Reading →

Soliya Reflection wk 3

So the last two weeks of Soliya have been interesting. We were able to freely communicate on a new level without a lot of help from the facilitator. Our topics and interests started to go into a deep and interesting level. Starting from the third Soliya meeting, we started off with a friendly activity where... Continue Reading →

Intercultural Communication – Reflection Reading

Stumbling Blocks in Intercultural Communication The six stumbling blocks Assumption of Similarities  Most problems that are a cause of a misunderstanding between many intercultural interactions are that they usually assume that they are alike and there isn’t any big difference between them. Although one may speak many languages, there are many cultures and traditions in... Continue Reading →

Soliya First Experience – WK 1

Soliya is an international organization that aims to prepare the next generation from around the world to globally work together with their differences through online sessions of visuals and audio conversations.  My first personal experience was interesting in many ways, where we were able to open discussions about global issues such as climate change, and... Continue Reading →


Natural disasters are very common in many areas of the world. It is a problem that some communities have to go through every few years, where it reaches a point that it destroys many homes, communities and many families are lost. Having a united nation and global communities that stand up together to avoid and help out... Continue Reading →

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